Friday, October 10, 2008

One Church

Last week was an interesting week for my community. Many of the local churches met together that Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights in what was called the “Send the Rain Revival.” It was very neat to be a part of because it was the first time I have seen the actual Church in a single community (most of it al least) come together as the one thing that it is. In other words I thought it was fantastic that the Church in Douglas GA met together for the first time last week. I hope that it continues to happen.

As for my support raising, I need more contacts! I am working with some pastors and missions committees right now in order to speak to some groups of people. However, if any of you know of anyone who is interested in Missions and would possibly like to support a missionary through prayer and/or finance, please send them my way! I have $550 in monthly pledges left to raise. I know that God will provide for this and I thank you all for your prayers and thoughts on my behalf!



Anonymous said...

I think posting every other week is a good idea. it will give you more time to collect your thoughts for the next post as well as like you said, more time for readers to get to it.

Skwirl said...

Brandon- I agree, thanks for the input!

Anonymous said...

I also think that waiting every other week to put out your post is a good idea.
As for the "One Church" post what do you think has seperated us?

Skwirl said...

Joel: I'm not really sure what has separated us. If you were to ask most mature Christians they would recognize that the other Christians in other churches all make up one body. It may be the case that it is simply our culture to separate and compete as opposed to work together from different locals.