Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer job

The time has come that I had hoped to avoid. That is that the summer has come, thus ending my position as substitute teach, and I have not raised enough money to move forward toward Estonia. So, it has become a priority of mine to find a job for the summer in order to both survive and to continue raising support like I need. So, if you would please pray about that I would be much appreciated. This added to the fact that my car has recently been having some trouble and will probably require money to fix has been weighing on my mind for the past week.

However, I cannot forget that God is fully aware of my circumstance and hasn’t left me out to dry yet, and I don’t expect him to do so any time in the future. In the end it’s useless to be anxious about such things because worries won’t change the situation at all and I am a firm believer that God absolutely will not abandon a righteous man. So, even though the situation is strained at the moment I, as well and thousands of others who have survived similar situations, will continue on. Also, my goal is more than ever to have enough money to go take the next step and go to training by August, so please remember to pray for me in that as well.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Welcome to my blog! My goal here is to let you all know my progress heading towards Estonia and for you to know on a more consistent basis what my plans are when I get there. I hope it will also be a way in which I can gain feedback and advice from people in hopes that my mission will turn into more of a group effort.